Stories Tagged: government shutdown

Senator Murray Details Harmful Effects of Speaker Johnson's Full-Year CR Threat

Conservative U.S. Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana has been elected as the 56th House... (2 revisions)

U.S. Government Dysfunction Raises Concerns Among Allies

Foreign diplomats have expressed concern over the partisan politics and political dysfunction in... (2 revisions)

Biden's Debate Disaster Raises Concerns Over Asia's $3 Trillion U.S. Debt

Moody's has issued a warning about a possible downgrade of the US credit rating due to political... (6 revisions)

Reimagining Economies: Worker Cooperatives in Appalachia and a Venezuelan Commune's Alternative Economy

A group called ReImagine Appalachia is working to revitalize the economy in Ohio and nearby... (18 revisions)

President Biden Signs $1.2 Trillion Funding Package, Averting Government Shutdown

President Joe Biden has signed a $1.2 trillion budget bill into law, ensuring that the U.S.... (61 revisions)

The Risks and Impact of a US Debt Default

The potential for a government shutdown continues to loom over the head of every American.... (66 revisions)